1 Reviews
I'm grateful to have been introduced to this and would definitely recommend everyone try it for themselves.
This deserves greater recognition; I tried it and thoroughly enjoyed the experience.
* यहाँ विभिन्न राेगहरूका विशेषज्ञ डाक्टरहरूद्वारा पिनाश, माइग्रेन, टाउकाे दुख्ने, घाँटी दुख्ने, प्यारालाइसिस, मुख बाङ्गिएकाे, ढाड दुखेकाे, नशा च्यापेकाे, जाेर्नी दुखेकाे, हड्डी खिइएकाे, उच्च रक्तचाप, थाइराेइड, मधुमेह, रुघा खाेकी, ग्यास्ट्रिक, बाथ राेग, जण्डिस, पत्थरी, पाइल्स, फिस्टुला (क्षार सूत्र विधिद्वारा) तथा स्त्री राेगहरूकाे सफल उपचार गर्नुका साथै विभिन्न कम्पनीहरूका आयुर्वेदिक औषधिहरू सुपथ मूल्यमा पाइन्छ ।
* साथै यहाँ ल्याब सेवा, पञ्चकर्म सेवा र अकुपञ्चर सेवा पनि छन् ।
1 Reviews
This deserves greater recognition; I tried it and thoroughly enjoyed the experience.
1 Reviews
My mom was disturb by physical pain… She is 45 year old and suffering from body pain since the age of 20 … We had tried all sort of thing in modern medical science and finally, we had no choice other than surgery . But, thing remain same .. then ,finding no other way ,we went to Shree Devi ma being hopeless… Their immediate treatment was herbal medicine which cure pain form root and then traditional therapy with oil …. The result was awesome within 3 week … It was not expected .
1 Reviews
I had constipation few years ago.after the counselling and medicine taken from here,it is cured now. Thank u Devi MAA Ayurvedic health center,,,🙏👍
1 Reviews
One of my aunty had OA knee and she was having difficulty to walk even. Ayurvedic medications and Jaanu vasti done here @ this center really helped her a lot to walk conveniently. Thank you for your services. Best wishes ahead..
31 Reviews
We are sure that Shree Devi Maa Aayurved Health Center achives its aim to reach unreached people to serve with intensive care and inspiring stories. In fact, you have already got a way at the moment when you decided to move with Callmandu for your digital footprint. Welcome to Callmandu. — Team
1 Reviews